Dental General Practice Residency

Development of critical reading of scientific works in our field is an important goal of the training program. In addition to the Literature Review and Treatment Planning Seminar activities, residents will participate in a case study or quality improvement project with an opportunity to present locally at the Carilion Clinic Research Day or regionally at the Regional Dental Residency Conference.
- 2023-2024
Al Obaidi, J. "Two Case Reports of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw." [Poster Presentation] presented at Annual Research and Development Research Day, April 9, 2024, Roanoke, VA.
Tang, D. "Post and Core Technique in the Restoration of Damaged Dentition: Two Case Studies." [Poster Presentation] presented at Annual Research and Development Research Day, April 9, 2024, Roanoke, VA.
Hodges, D. "In House All-on-X : The Power of 3D Printing in a Hospital Setting." Presented at Joint Residency Conference, May 31, 2024, at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC.
Rubin, Z. "Case Report: Splinting avulsed maxillary central incisors in a 17-year-old following motor vehicle collision." Presented at Joint Residency Conference, May 31, 2024, at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC.
- 2022-2023
Negron Garcia, C., Swanner, Z. “Esthetic Treatment of a Gummy Smile: A Case Study.” [Poster Presentation] presented at Annual Research and Development Research Day, April 4, 2023, Roanoke, VA.
Goodman, C., Swanner, Z. “Dental Management Case Reports of Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Cancer Treatment.” [Poster Presentation] presented at Annual Research and Development Research Day, April 4, 2023, Roanoke, VA.
Allen, C. “Novel Management of Infantile TMJ Dysfunction.” Presented at Joint Residency Conference, June 2, 2023, UNC Chapel Hill, NC.
Eisenhaur, C. “Nasoalveolar Molding: Improving Esthetic Outcomes for Cleft Lip and Palate Babies.” Presented at Joint Residency Conference, June 2, 2023, UNC Chapel Hill, NC.
- 2021-2022
Eisenhaur, C. "Cracked Tooth Syndrome: A Case Report." [Poster Presentation] presented at the Annual Carilion Clinic Research Day 2022, April 5, 2022, Roanoke, VA (virtual).
Howland, K. "Case Report: Necrotizing Fasciitis of Odontogenic Origin." Presented at the Annual Joint Regional Residency Conference, June 3, 2022, Charlotte, NC.
Ruszkiewicz, B. "Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Right Neck Superficial and Seep Structures Secondary to a Tooth Abscess." Presented at the Annual Joint Regional Residency Conference, June 3, 2022, Charlotte, NC.
Stout, C. "Case Report: Tooth Avulsion and Uncomplicated Fracture of Maxillary Incisors Due to Trauma." [Poster Presentation] presented at the Annual Carilion Clinic Research Day 2022, April 5, 2022, Roanoke, VA (virtual).
- 2020-2021
Berndt, L. “Case Report: Management of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity.” (Oral Presentation) presented at the 37th Annual Joint Regional Residency Conference, June 4, 2021 (Virtual), hosted by Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.
Buckwalter, J. “Case Report; Symptomatic Maxillary Dentigerous Cyst.” (Oral Presentation) presented at the 37th Annual Joint Regional Residency Conference, June 4, 2021 (Virtual), hosted by Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.
Castonguay, G. “Case Report: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Dental Trauma.” Poster presentation at VTCSOM Research Day (Virtual); April 13, 2021, Roanoke, VA.
Khalefa, A. “Prevention, Early Detection and Management of Osteoradionecrosis of the Jaw: Two Cases.” Poster presentation at VTCSOM Research Day (virtual); April 13, 2021, Roanoke, VA.
- 2019-2020
Berndt, L. “Case Report: Management of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity.” (Oral Presentation) presented at the 37th Annual Joint Regional Residency Conference, June 4, 2021 (Virtual), hosted by Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.
Buckwalter, J. “Case Report; Symptomatic Maxillary Dentigerous Cyst.” (Oral Presentation) presented at the 37th Annual Joint Regional Residency Conference, June 4, 2021 (Virtual), hosted by Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.
Castonguay, G. “Case Report: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Dental Trauma.” Poster presentation at VTCSOM Research Day (Virtual); April 13, 2021, Roanoke, VA.
Khalefa, A. “Prevention, Early Detection and Management of Osteoradionecrosis of the Jaw: Two Cases.” Poster presentation at VTCSOM Research Day (virtual); April 13, 2021, Roanoke, VA.
- 2018-2019
Humble, M. "Doc, My Crowns Are Worn Down and I Want My Smile Back." Oral presentation at the Regional Dental Residency Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. May 31, 2019.
Ibarra, D. "Root Fracture: A Review of the Literature, Healing and Management." Oral presentation at the Regional Dental Residency Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. May 31, 2019.
Petit, K., Miller, K., Brajdic, D. "Arresting Dental Caries with Silver Diamide Fluroide: A Case Report." Poster presentation at VTCSOM Annual Research Day, Roanoke, VA. April 9, 2019.
- 2017-2018
Stout, A. "Immediate Implants Endeavor." Oral presentation at the Regional Dental Residency Conference, Charlotte, NC. June 1, 2018
Wright, K.J.A. "Presurgical Nasoalveolar Molding in Two Patients with Bilateral Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate." Oral presentation at the Regional Dental Residency Conference, Charlotte, NC. June 1, 2018.
- 2016-2017
Randall, C.M. “An Overview of Naso-Alveolar Molding.” Oral presentation at the Regional Dental Residency Conference, Winston-Salem, NC. June 2, 2017.
Swanner, Z.T. “Treatment Limitations in a Patient with a History of IV Zometa Therapy.” Oral presentation at the Regional Dental Residency Conference, Winston-Salem, NC. June 2, 2017.
- 2015-2016
Fintel, S.J. “Mandibular Block Graft Augmentation.” Oral presentation at the Regional Dental Residency Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. June 3, 2016.
Mansdoerfer, C.J. “Always Stay Suspicious; Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis.” Oral presentation at the Regional Dental Residency Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. June 3, 2016.
- 2014-2015
DeNicola, M.R. “Apicoectomy and eMax™ Crown.” Oral presentation at the Regional Dental Residency Conference, Charlotte, NC. May 29, 2015.