Pediatrics Residency

Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to complement our residents’ clinical learning and to provide a more in-depth review of subjects included in the 25 content domains specified by the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP). We have noontime academics, 12:30p.m. - 4:45p.m., that is protected from all clinical duties during that time. The didactic curriculum is presented on a rotating 18-month schedule to ensure that all topics are covered with repeated sessions on high yield material.
In addition, Carilion Children’s offers several other resident and faculty led lectures on a regularly scheduled basis. These conferences include:
Morning Report – Tuesday and Friday from 7:30 – 8 a.m.
Case of the Week – Tuesdays from 12:30 – 1:15 p.m.
Journal Club – 4th Tuesday of the month from 12:30 – 1:15 p.m.
Board Review – monthly from 7:30 – 8 a.m.
Grand Rounds – Thursdays from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.
NICU Journal Club – monthly
Pediatric Psychiatry Conference – monthly
Pediatric – Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds – quarterly
As part of our development of residents as teachers, residents on inpatient rotations are responsible for presenting our interactive morning reports. Other conferences that residents lead as part of their teaching development include (by year):
PGY1: Case of the Week (1/year), Journal Club (1/year), Pediatric Psychiatry Conference (1), Morning Report (2-3)
PGY2: Case of the week (1/year), Journal Club (1/year) , Morning Report (1-2 outpatient/year) and 5-8 inpatient/year)
PGY3: Case of the week (1/year), NICU Journal Club (1/year), Grand Rounds (1/year), Pediatric/EM Grand Rounds (1/year), QI (1/year), Morning Report (1-2 outpatient/year and 5-8/inpatient/year)
Procedural Exposure
As a program that operates without fellows, our residents have ample opportunities to be hands-on in performing procedures on their patients. Residents also utilize the Carilion Clinic Center for Simulation, Research and Patient Safety (SIM Lab), an 11,000-square-foot training facility that includes a birthing suite and neonate care area, single patient room, operating room, trauma bay, debriefing rooms, classrooms and clinical skills lab. Prior to graduation, pediatric residents are required to obtain competency in the following procedures:
Bag mask ventilation
Bladder catheterization
Circumcision (may opt out to observe only)
Delivery room resuscitation
Foreign body removal
Incision and drainage of superficial abscesses
IV line placement
Intubation of neonates
Laceration repair
Lumbar puncture
Reduction of simple dislocations
Splinting of fractures
Umbilical artery/vein catheterization