Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship

Our Curriculum
To fulfill our mission of providing a broad training experience, the fellowship involves hands-on, supervised work in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Outpatient experiences include pediatric neurology, consultations with school systems, juvenile justice and developmental pediatrics.
The diagnostic assessment team is an interdisciplinary clinic where challenging cases are referred for consultation. The team includes representatives of child and adolescent psychiatry, child psychology and child therapy. Most children referred have a history of complex trauma, neglect or foster care placement.
Course curricula include contemporary, up-to-date training in development, psychopathology and systems of practice. Cultural psychiatry, ethics, forensics and psychotherapy didactics are other standard parts of our fellowship.
Special learning experiences we offer include: Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Grand Rounds in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Journal Club. Fellows also participate in a collaborative case conference series with pediatrics residents. Individual interests are encouraged. Research projects, teaching medical students and individual electives are all possible for fellows.