Family Medicine Residency

GME - Riverside Complex (do not delete)

Curriculum and Schedule

The Carilion Clinic - Virginia Tech Carilion Family Medicine Residency program provides a breadth and depth of inpatient and outpatient training that offers residents the opportunity to develop skills needed to practice outpatient or inpatient medicine upon graduation, or to enter a variety of fellowships.

Our weekly academic conferences and workshops are an integral part of our residency training. Several components of the curriculum are taught in a longitudinal fashion: behavioral health, geriatrics, palliative medicine, medical informatics, information mastery, population health and practice management.

Our curricular strengths include pediatrics and musculoskeletal medicine, bolstered by our lifestyle medicine, sports medicine, and osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) tracks. Unique aspects of our curriculum include significant elective time and specific areas of interest available for each resident to tailor to his or her future practice goals.

Required Rotations

Fundamentals of Family MedicineFamily Medicine Outpatient ClinicFamily Medicine Outpatient Clinic
Family Medicine Outpatient ClinicFamily Medicine Inpatient ServiceFamily Medicine Inpatient Clinic
Family Medicine Inpatient ServiceNight Float on Family Medicine Inpatient ServiceNight Float on Family Medicine Inpatient Service
Night Float on Family Medicine Inpatient ServiceOrthopedics Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine at Roanoke Memorial HospitalBehavior MedicineOutpatient Surgery at the Salem VAMC
Critical Care ConsultsGeriatricsRheumatology
Emergency MedicinePalliativePediatrics Emergency Medicine
ObstetricsWomen's HealthPediatrics Outpatient Clinic
Newborn NurseryPediatrics Inpatient ServiceSurgical Subspecialty (offerings below)
Pediatrics Inpatient ServicePediatrics Outpatient ClinicPediatric Subspecialty (offerings below)
Pediatrics Outpatient ClinicSports MedicineElectives (offerings below)
DermatologyElectives (offerings below) 
Mental Health at the Salem VAMC  
PGY1 Elective (offerings below)  
PGY1 Electives
  • Cardiology at the Salem VAMC
  • Gastroenterology at the Salem VAMC
  • Infectious Disease at the Salem VAMC
  • Nephrology at the Salem VAMC
  • Outpatient Surgery at the Salem VAMC
  • Pain Management at the Salem VAMC
  • Pulmonology at the Salem VAMC
PGY3 Subspecialty Electives
Pediatric SubspecialtiesSurgical Subspecialties
Adolescent MedicineDental
Pediatric CardiologyENT
Pediatric EndocrinologyOphthalmology
Pediatric GastroenterologyPodiatry
Pediatric PulmonologyWound Care
PGY2 & PGY3 Electives
Addiction MedicineFamily Medicine OutpatientInfectious DiseaseOtolaryngologyRural Medicine
Advanced ObstetricsFamily Medicine InpatientInternal Medicine WardsPalliative CareScholarly Activity
AllergyGastroenterologyInformaticsPhysical Medicine and RehabilitationSports Medicine
CardiologyGeriatricsLifestyle MedicinePoint-of-Care UltrasoundUrgent Care
Chronic Disease ManagementHealth DepartmentNephrologyProcedures 
Critical Care ConsultsHospitalistNeurologyPulmonology 
EndocrinologyIntensive Care UnitOMMRadiology 

Team Learning Conference

Each Wednesday afternoon, family medicine residents and faculty gather for group conferences and workshops. Rotating topics enhance the curriculum and provide evidence-based approaches to commonly seen issues in family medicine. The backbone of the conference curriculum is based on the content of in-training and board exams. Each block integrates the following into the teaching curriculum: 

  • Journal club
  • Principles of research and practice improvement
  • Dedicated pharmacology teaching
  • Osteopathic manipulative workshops
  • Morbidity and mortality (M&M) conference
  • Billing and coding practice
  • Professional development
  • EMR optimization tips
  • Procedures
  • Ultrasound workshops
  • Board review practice

The teaching forums are interactive and hands-on.

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