Hand Surgery Fellowship

Clinical Sites
- Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital (CRMH)
Roanoke Memorial Hospital (RMH) is the region’s only level I trauma center. The hand faculty has a daily presence at RMH, performing larger elective upper extremity cases, trauma cases, and covering level I hand call.
- Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital (CRCH)
Roanoke Community Hospital (RCH) is an outpatient orthopaedic hospital located in downtown Roanoke, just 1 mile from Roanoke Memorial Hospital. RCH can accommodate WALANT surgery with instrumentation, larger elective hand cases, and most hand trauma cases. With consistent staffing and quick turnovers, RCH is a great place to operate.
- Roanoke Ambulatory Surgery Center (RASC)
Roanoke Ambulatory Surgery Center (RASC) is an outpatient surgery center in downtown Roanoke. RASC has four operating rooms and a procedure room, and can accommodate a variety of elective hand surgery cases.
- Institute for Orthopaedics and Neurosciences (ION)
The Institute of Orthopaedics and Neurosciences (ION) is located less than a mile from Roanoke Memorial Hospital. ION houses the Hand Surgery clinics and faculty offices, as well as two high-volume procedure rooms for WALANT surgical cases. ION also provides Physical and Occupational Hand Therapy on site, with multiple skilled certified hand therapists on site.
- Virginia Tech Carilion SOM Anatomy Lab
The CC-VTC Hand Fellowship has developed a longitudinal anatomy course for the fall and winter, located at the School of Medicine Anatomy Lab. The fellow will work with different faculty members to perform cadaveric dissection, which will then be reviewed as a group with all the faculty to discuss anatomical variants, clinical pearls, and approaches.
- Carilion Simulation Center
The CC-VTC Hand Fellowship does four simulation sessions at the Carilion Simulation Center each fall, based on the ASSH Modules. This allows for low-stress practice of different techniques in tendon repair, arthroscopy, fracture management, and microsurgery.