Infectious Diseases Fellowship

GME - Riverside Complex (do not delete)
O'Shea, John.jpeg
John-Paul O'Shea, MD, PhD

I have had the immense fortune to complete an Infectious Diseases Fellowship at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine 2022-2024. I cannot say enough positive things, the Attendings are amazing physicians but are also kind and compassionate human beings who have provided me with truly inspiring role models that have materially shaped my both my career direction and my approach to clinical practice. They are also world-class scholars and continuously engaged in vital and practice changing research and as such there was ample opportunity and encouragement to engage in research trials, as well as lab based research depending on my personal interests. Additionally, there is rich engagement with the dedicated and inspiring ID clinical team of ID Pharmacists, Physician assistants and nurses, who are also wonderful people and a delight to work with. The Fellowship included a depth and wide breadth of education, garnered from both clinical consults and didactics, that sets me up for passing the boards but even more importantly, sets me up for independent clinical practice. In summary - would I do it again - absolutely!

Jasmin Jackson-Akers, DO

The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Infectious Disease Fellowship is an amazing experience and opportunity. I had the opportunity to learn a lot from great faculty, who are willing to teach during and outside of rounds. The faculty is interested in the professional development of the fellows, but also where the fellows’ interest lay. At Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, there are a ton of different disease pathology and cases that amplify the learning experience. During my time in fellowship, I had the opportunity to participate in many different clinical research projects and learn that I have a passion for not only the clinical side of medicine but the research side of it, as well. As fellows, we ourselves were able to take on the role of teacher to residents and PA students, which in turn, helped our own learning. I am very thankful and appreciative of my training experience at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. 

Dr. Ahmad
Ahmad Darakashan, MBBS

The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Infectious Disease Fellowship is a great program. It offers a wealth of pathology and great diversity of cases. The faculty are extremely knowledgeable and well versed yet create a judgement free and family like environment for their students, residents, and fellows. They go beyond helping with patients, with workload and in education. Teaching is both during and outside of rounds. They used to take extra work upon themselves to ensure their learners had protected study time and an all-inclusive curriculum. They remained always accessible and facilitated in many different clinical research projects. As fellows, we ourselves were able to take on the role of teacher to residents and PA students, which in turn, helped our own learning. I am very thankful and appreciative of my training experience at Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. Not to mention, the beautiful city of Roanoke itself is a plus to great teachers, the family-like environment conducive to learning, the diversity of cases and research opportunities. If I had to do it all over again, this would always be the place I would choose to train in. 

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