Orthopaedic Surgery Residency

An image of surgeons at work.

Curriculum Details

Carilion Clinic Orthopaedic Education YouTube Channel
Oncology Experience
  • Robust oncology experience integrated throughout residency 
  • Tumor board every other Friday  
  • Peter Apel does 10-12 sarcomas per year 
  • Ortho hand – benign tumors in addition to sarcomas 
  • Ortho trauma – metastatic lesions 
  • Adult recon – mega-prosthesis for metastatic lesions  
  • 164 total cases in 2021-2022 academic year 
  • 11 bone/soft tissue sarcomas (Apel) 
  • 84 benign soft tissue tumors 
  • 55 benign bone lesions 
  • 15 metastatic bone lesion cases 
  • ACGME minimum of 10 of these cases 
  • Oncology lecture each year from visiting faculty  
  • Recognize and prepare cases for peer review 
  • One quality improvement/quality assurance project per year 
  • Small scale/retrospective 
  • Identify clinical faculty mentor 
  • Report findings to their chosen clinical mentor and to the involved section at a section specific conference 
  • 10-15 minute presentation 

Didactic Schedule

MondayWeekend Review Conference (6-7am): Review of weekend cases with academic discussion. On call specialty attendings will be in attendance along with all other interested parties.
TuesdaySection Specific: Intended to be preoperative or indications followed by postoperative conference of section-specific Journal Club.

Main Academic Day (6:00am - 12:00pm)

  • Core Orthopaedics Resident Education Conference (C.O.R.E.) (6-7am): Two year repeating cycle of 100 high-value topics that will appear on OITE and ABOS exams. 
  • Departmental Meetings (7-8am): Grand Rounds, guest lecturers, faculty meetings. Residents are excused from faculty meetings.
  • Applied Learning Conference (A.L.C.) (8a-12p): First half of academic year consists of anatomy lab (dissections and prosections, 3D hands-on surgical skills lab. Second half of year consists of basic science, ethics, research, and business of medicine topics.
ThursdaySection Specific: Intended to be preoperative or indications followed by postoperative conference of section-specific Journal Club.
FridayProtected Academic Time: No morning conference. Residents should study for OITE and ABOS. Time will be reserved for monthly PD/Resident meetings, semi-annual meetings with Dr. Seamon, and one-on-one meetings with Dr. Seamon as needed.
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